Once we publish our apps in stores, we need to know practical and clear statistics about the issues that occur in our users’ devices. To do so, mat|r implements the tool Crashlytics in all the apps we develop in the platform, through Firebase.
Firebase Crashlytics is a lightweight tool for crash reporting in real time that allows you to track, prioritize and fix stability issues that affect your app quality. What’s more, crashes are intelligently grouped and the circumstances in which they occurred are highlighted, allowing you to save troubleshooting time.
As we said previously, in each app that we get from the platform and that we generate in the applicable IDEs (Xcode and Android Studio), Crashlytics is implemented to track our app. To be able to view statistics, we have to log in to Firebase website using the credentials we set up in mat|r platform and, then, navigate to Crashlytics section.
When we enter, Crashlytics expects us to connect our app to establish connection with the API.
Once this step is completed, the Crashlytics dashboard will display, where we’ll be able to see all the issues that our app in production has, and we’ll get an error report to be able to find the cause of the crash more easily.
This is a very helpful tool once we have finished developing our app and we have published it in digital stores, as it tells us accurately the errors that occurred in the app and we get stability metrics of the app and crashes in specific devices. Another great advantage is that all information of our mat|r app is grouped in one place, Firebase.