Mat|r Viewer
It is a tool which allows you visualizing everything you develop instantly as well as testing it in compatible platforms.
Currently, mat|r is supported by the two main mobile platforms: iOS and Android.
Download Mat|r Viewer to test the mat|r applications now:
Access Mat|r Viewer
Remember that having an account in the mat|r platform is required to log in. If you don’t have an account, create one here.
You can log in with your account information. Access organizations and projects you are working in to visualize your apps.
“Login screen. Type your matr user and password to access to your account”
“Organizations screen. After signing in, you are able to view and access to your organizations, projects and apps.”.
“App details screen”
Visualize the apps on your phone
The scan QR code option provides a faster access to the application.
It is very simple: select the code from the viewer, then access the platform and head to the application. The QR code can be seen on the publish tab. Point the phone camera at the screen to capture the code.
With the shake gesture of the device, access a menu with several options that could be helpful when developing the application.
In order to access such menu, a device with the ‘shake’ feature is required. In case it already has it, open the application from Mat|r Viewer. After that, shake the phone slightly and a four options menu will appear in a pop-up over the application.
Clear Local Keychain
All encrypted chains stored at the application local storage are removed by the broker.localKeychain.* service.
Clear Local Persistence
All data stored in the device through the application are removed by broker.localPersistence.* service.
Clear Cloud Persistence
All persistent data in the cloud are removed by the broker.cloudPersistence.* service. This change will affect all the application users who try to access the erased data.
Exit App Review
This option allows to complete the application view and to go back to the detail view at Mat|r Viewer.