Through broker.cloudPersistence.*
services, we can have access to functions related to cloud storage.Mat|r offers a shared database in the cloud, in which each application has its own instance. Thus, each user can store and retrieve information shared by all other users. The methods of this service use Mat|r models on their signatures. Thus, the models of the applications constitute the information that will be stored in the cloud. This allows the developers to work with the same models used in their business policies, providing speed and transparency and avoiding unnecessary parsing.
- Basic Methods
These methods allow the user to save, consult and delete models.
- Advanced querying methods
These methods enable the user to raise queries based on different filters that can be combined and paged queries as well.
- Transactional methods
In the case there are many users that save information at the same time, these methods provide support to modify collections (Array
) transactionally, or increase the values in numerical fields, avoiding the risk of losing data.
- Model broker.cloudPersistence.appendToArray(Model model, String arrayAttributeName, Any valueToAdd)
- Model broker.cloudPersistence.removeFromArray(Model model, String arrayAttributeName, Any valueToDelete)
- Model broker.cloudPersistence.appendToMap(Model model, String mapAttributeName, String keyValueToAdd, Any valueToAdd)
- Model broker.cloudPersistence.removeFromMap(Model model, String mapAttributeName, String keyValueToDelete)
- Model broker.cloudPersistence.increment(Model model, String attributeName, Any valueToAdd)
void (Model modelToSave)
It saves a model in the cloud storage. This is a blocking method, which displays a loading indicator while it is being executed. If there is no internet connection, the changes will be persisted locally and they will bestored in the cloud until internet connection is reestablished.
If modelAGuradar has attributes of the model type, they will be also persisted and referenced in said attributes. A call to this method over a previous stored model, updates the information. If modelToSave
has attributed of model
type, they will be also persisted and referenced in said attributes. A call to this method over a previous stored model, updates the information.
Arguments |
modelToSave |
Model: model to be persisted in the cloud storage. |
Exceptions |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Wrong {argumentNumber} argument type. Found ‘{paramType}‘, required; ‘{expectedType}’ in call of method ‘{methodName}’. |
void broker.cloudPersistence.saveCollection(Array<Model> collection)
It saves an Array of models in the cloud storage. This is a blocking method, which displays a loading indicator while it is being executed. If there is no internet connection, the changes will be persisted locally and they will be stored in the cloud until internet connection is reestablished. The result of calling this method is exactly the same of calling on each element of the array, but in fastest and efficient way.
Argumentos |
collection |
Array<Model>:Array of models to be persisted in the cloud storage. |
Excepciones |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Wrong {argumentNumber} argument type. Found ‘{paramType}‘, required; ‘{expectedType}’ in call of method ‘{methodName}’. |
void broker.cloudPersistence.remove(Model modelToDelete)
It deletes a model from the cloud. This is a blocking method which displays a loading indicator while it is being executed. If there is no internet connection, the changes are saved locally and they will persist in the cloud until internet connection is reestablished. If modelToDelete
has model
type attributes, they will not be deleted from the database. Only its references will be deleted.
Arguments |
modelToDelete |
Model: model to be deleted from the cloud storage. |
Exceptions |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Wrong {argumentNumber} argument type. Found ‘{paramType}‘, required; ‘{expectedType}’ in call of method ‘{methodName}’. |
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to remove a not cloud model value. |
Array <Model> broker.cloudPersistence.get(String modelName)
It retrieves a collection of models from the cloud storage. This is a blocking method which displays a loading indicator while it is being executed. If there is no internet connection, it returns the stored data in the local cache of the device.
Arguments |
modelName |
String: name of the models to be retrieved from the cloud storage. |
Return |
Array<Model> |
An array of models of the nombreModel type, retrieved from the cloud storage. |
Exceptions |
ModelNotFound – Model modelName not found. |
Array <Model> broker.cloudPersistence.getWithFilter(Filter filter)
It retrieves a collection of models from the cloud storage, filtering the results obtained in the filter, previously set up.
Arguments |
filter |
Filter: filter configured to retrieve models from the cloud storage. |
Return |
Array<Model> |
An array of filtered models of the modelName type, retrieved from the cloud storage. |
Array<Model> broker.cloudPersistence.getNextPage(PageFetcher paginator)
It returns the following page as an array of models of the type specified in the constructor of the filter. Its size is defined at the moment PageFetcher is created. If it is executed for the first time, it runs a query and returns the first page.
Arguments |
paginator |
PageFetcher: object in charge of the paginator configuration to retrieve data from the cloud storage. |
Return |
Array<Model> |
A filtered model array, of the size specified in the paginator , retrieved from the cloud storage. |
Exceptions |
CloudServicePageRequestOutOfBound – Error when trying to request a page in out of bound index. Index value: ‘{value}’, pages: ‘{pages}’. |
Array<Model> broker.cloudPersistence.getPreviousPage(PageFetcher paginator)
It returns the previous page as an array of models of the type specified in the constructor of the filter. The size is specified at the moment the PageFetcher is created. If it is executed for the first time, it runs a query and returns the first page.
Arguments |
paginator |
PageFetcher: object in charge of the paginator configuration to retrieve data from the cloud storage. |
Return |
Array<Model> |
A filtered array of models, with the size specified in the paginator, retrieved from the cloud storage. |
Excepciones |
CloudServicePageRequestOutOfBound – Error when trying to request a page in out of bound index. Index value: ‘{value}’, pages: ‘{pages}’. |
Array<Model> broker.cloudPersistence.resetPages(PageFetcher paginator)
It resets the page fetcher so that a query is run again and the first page is loaded.
Arguments |
paginator |
PageFetcher: object in charge of the paginator configuration to retrieve data from the cloud storage. |
Return |
Array<Model> |
A filtered array of models, with the size specified in the paginator, retrieved from the cloud storage. |
Model broker.cloudPersistence.appendToArray(Model model, String arrayAttributeName, Any valueToAdd)
It adds the valueToAdd
in the array referenced in the attribute arrayAttributeName
, present in the model
. Although other users have modified the array, it is guaranteed that the object is added at the end of the array in the database. This means that integrity of the data will not be lost. The method returns the model, which has just been modified, updated.
Arguments |
model |
Model: model (with the arrayAttributeName attribute) in which we want to add the object. |
arrayAttributeName |
String: name of the attribute (of Array type) where we want to add the object. |
valueToAdd |
[Model,String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: object to be added in model.arrayAttributeName . |
Return |
Model |
It returns the updated model after the adding operation. |
Exceptions |
AttributeNotFound – Attribute arrayAttributeName not found in model model . |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Error trying to appendToArray a value in a not collection attribute arrayAttributeName . |
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to appendToArray a not cloud model value. |
Model broker.cloudPersistence.removeFromArray(Model model, String arrayAttributeName, Any valueToDelete)
It deletes all the valueToDelete
occurrences with an array referenced in the attribute arrayAttributeName
present in the model
. It is guaranteed that the modified array is the last image in the database. This means that the integrity of the data will not be lost. The method returns the model, which has just been modified, updated.
Arguments |
model |
Model: model (with the attribute arrayAttributeName ) in which we want to delete the object. |
arrayAttributeName |
String: name of the attribute ( Array type ) in which we want to delete the object. |
valueToDelete |
[Model,String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: object to be deleted in model.arrayAttributeName . |
Return |
Model |
It returns the updated model after the delete operation. |
Exceptions |
AttributeNotFound – Attribute arrayAttributeName not found in model model |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Error trying to removeFromArray a value in a not collection attribute arrayAttributeName . |
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to removeFromArray a not cloud model value. |
Model broker.cloudPersistence.appendToMap(Model model, String mapAttributeName, String keyValueToAdd, Any valueToAdd)
It adds the valueToAdd
in the map referenced in the attribute mapAttributeName
present in the model
, with the key key
. It is guaranteed that the modified array is the last image in the database. This means that integrity of the data will not be lost. The method returns the model, which has just been modified, updated.
Arguments |
model |
Model: model (with the attribute mapAttributeName ) in which we want to add the object. |
mapAttributeName |
String:name of the attribute (map type) in which we want to add the object. |
keyValueToAdd |
String: name of the key of the map in which we want to add the object. |
valueToAdd |
[Model,String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: object to be added in model.mapAttributeName . |
Return |
Model |
It returns the updated model after the adding operation. |
Exceptions |
AttributeNotFound – Attribute mapAttributeName not found in model model |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Error trying to appendToMap a value in a not collection attribute mapAttributeName . |
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to appendToMap a not cloud model value. |
Model broker.cloudPersistence.removeFromMap(Model model, String mapAttributeName, String keyValueToDelete)
It deletes the object from map, corresponding to keyValueToDelete
in the map referenced in the attribute mapAttributeName
present in the model
. It is guaranteed that the modified map is the last image in the database. This means that integrity of the data will not be lost. The method returns the model, which has just been modified, updated.
Arguments |
model |
Model: model (with the attribute mapAttributeName ) in which we want to delete the object. |
mapAttributeName |
String: name of the attribute (map-type) in which we want to delete the object. |
keyValueToDelete |
String: key of the object to be deleted in model.mapAttributeName . |
Return |
Model |
It returns the updated model after the delete operation. |
Exceptions |
AttributeNotFound – Attribute mapAttributeName not found in model model |
WrongTypeOfArgumentsInCall – Error trying to removeFromMap a value in a not collection attribute mapAttributeName . |
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to removeFromMap a not cloud model value. |
Model broker.cloudPersistence.increment(Model model, String attributeName, Any valueToAdd)
It adds up the valueToAdd
to the attribute attributeName
present in the model
. It is guarantedd that the addition will be done over the updated data, notwithstanding if other user have modified the attribute. This means that integrity of the data will not be lost. The method returns the model, which has just been modified, updated.
Arguments |
model |
Model: model (with the attribute attributeName ) in which we want to add. |
attributeName |
String: name of the attribute in which we want to add the value valueToAdd . |
valueToAdd |
[Double,Integer]: value to be added to model.attributeName . |
Return |
Model |
It returns the updated model after the adding operation. |
Exceptions |
AttributeNotFound – Attribute attributeName not found in model model |
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to appendToArray a not cloud model value. |
Experience Main {
String name label("Main name")
Decision rule1 action("MainContext.savePerson") label("Save person")
Decision rule2 action("MainContext.fetchAllPersons") label("Fetch all persons")
Decision rule3 action("MainContext.deletePerson") label("Delete person")
Decision rule4 action("MainContext.fetchWithFilter") label("Fetch persons which ages are greater than 15")
Decision rule5 action("MainContext.addTeam") label("Add a team transactionally")
Decision rule6 action("MainContext.incrementarAge") label("Increment Age")
Model Person {
String name
Integer age
Array<String> teams
RuleContext MainContext {
Rule savePerson {
Person p = Person(name: "pepe", age: 18, teams: [])
//save a person model instance in cloud storage
Rule fetchAllPersons {
//fetch all value of type Person from cloud storage
Array<Person> persons = broker.cloudPersistence.get("Person")
broker.ui.showAlert("Number of persons: ", persons.size().toString())
Rule deletePerson {
Array<Person> persons = broker.cloudPersistence.get("Person")
Person firstPerson = persons.get(0)
//delete a person model instance in cloud storage
Rule fetchWithFilter {
Filter filter = Filter(modelName:"Person")
filter.greaterThan("age", 15)
//fetch persons which ages are greater than 15
Array<Person> persons = broker.cloudPersistence.getWithFilter(filter)
broker.ui.showAlert("Number of persons which ages are greater than 15 años", persons.size().toString())
Rule addTeam {
Array<Person> persons = broker.cloudPersistence.get("Person")
Person firstPerson = persons.get(0)
//add transactionally a tean in the array of the first person
broker.cloudPersistence.appendToArray(firstPerson, "teams", "Barcelona")
Rule incrementarAge {
Array<Person> persons = broker.cloudPersistence.get("Person")
Person firstPerson = persons.get(0)
//update the age of firsPerson model instance
Person updatedPerson = broker.cloudPersistence.increment(firstPerson, "age", 1)
broker.ui.showAlert("updated person age", updatedPerson.age.toString())