It creates and sets up a filter to use in a request to the collection of a cloud persistence model. It enables the user to filter the collection comparing the values of the attributes of the model taking into consideration a criteria. The criteria is applied to each object of the persisted collection and those which fulfill the criteria will be part of the collection. A Filter can configure more than one criteria, in this case a criteria is applied to a result collection of the previous criteria. A filter is used as a parameter of public and private methods of broker.cloudPersistence



modelName String: name of the model with which the filter starts.
Filter New instance of filter configured with a model.
ModelNotFound – Model ‘modelName’ not found.


void equalTo(String attribute, Any value)

It configures the filter so that each object of the resulting collection is equal to the value you want.

attribute String: name of the attribute of the configured model in the filter over which the equality criteria will be applied.
value [String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date,Model]: value of the attribute to be compared with each object of the collection.
CloudOperationError – Error when trying to equalTo a not cloud model value.

void lessThanOrEqual(String attrubute, Any value)

It configures the filter so that each object of the resulting collection is lower than or equal to the desired value.

attribute String: name of the attribute of the configured model in the filter over which the criteria of the lower or equal value will be applied.
value [String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: value of the attribute to be compared with each object of the collection.
UnsupportedCollectionTypeInCloud – Collections are not supported as lessThanOrEqual argument (the value of the parameter is a collection, and collection values cannot be filtered).

void greaterThanOrEqual(String attribute, Any value)

It configures the filter so that each object of the resulting collection is higher than or equal to the desired value.

attribute String: name of the attribute of the configured model in the filter over which the criteria of the higher or equal value will be applied.
valor [String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: value of the attribute to be compared with each object of the collection.
UnsupportedCollectionTypeInCloud – Collections are not supported as greaterThanOrEqual argument (the value of the parameter is a collection, and collection values cannot be filtered).

void lessThan(String atributo, Any valor)

It configures the filter so that each filter of the resulting collection is lower than the value we want.

attribute String: name of the attribute of the configured model in the filter over which the criteria of the lower is applied.
value [String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: value of the attribute to be compared with each object of the collection.
UnsupportedCollectionTypeInCloud – Collections are not supported as lessThan argument (the value of the parameter is a collection, and collection values cannot be filtered).

void greaterThan(String attribute, Any value)

It configures the filter so that each filter of the resulting collection is higher than the value we want.

atributo String: nname of the attribute of the configured model in the filter over which the criteria of the higher is applied.
valor [String,Double,Integer,Bool,Date]: value of the attribute to be compared with each object of the collection.
UnsupportedCollectionTypeInCloud – Collections are not supported as greaterThan argument (the value of the parameter is a collection, and collection values cannot be filtered).

void limit(Integer limite)

It restricts the number of the result collection to the limit we want.

limit Integer: limit of the size of the collection.
WrongLimitInCloudFilter – Limit cannot be negative or zero value.

void ascendingOrderBy(String attribute)

It sorts the list in ascending order applying the criteria to the parameter attribute. The null values are dismissed from the result collection.

attribute String: name of the attribute.

void descendingOrderBy(String attribute)

It sorts the list in descending order applying the criteria to a parameter attribute. The null values are considered and placed at the bottom of the list, interpreting them as the lowest values.

attribute String: name of the attribute.