It represents and describes an exception in execution time in Matr|r script. This type cannot be created directly. An Exception type variable is created and can only be accessed through the argument of the try/catch statement.


String name()

It returns the descriptive name of the exception.

String name.

String reason()

It returns a description of the reason for which exception was thrown.

String description.

String stackTrace()

It returns a description with the call stack prior to the error execution.

String description of the call stack.

Integer httpStatusCode()

In the case the error was caused by a call to a HTTP service, this method returns the status code of the call. Otherwise, it returns -1.

Integer Number of http error.

String httpErrorMessage()

In the case the exception was caused by a call to a HTTP service, this method returns a descriptive message of the call. Otherwise, it returns an empty String.

String Error message.