Experience for the treasure hunt
Experience SearchTreasure {
String textFirstSearch value("Search by points") as Label
Bool searchByPoints value(false) as Checkbox
Array points value([10, 20, 30, 50, 100]) as Select
String textSecondSearch value(“Search by treasure status”) as Label
Array statusTreasure value([“ALL”, “FOUND”, “NOT FOUND”]) as Select
Array listTreasures value([]) as List
Model TreasureSearch {
String name
Integer points
String hasBeenFound
String creatorName
Module Accounts {
void navigateToMainMenu () {
Welcome welcomeDataSource = Welcome()
welcomeDataSource.greetings = “Welcome ” + loggedUser.name + ” to the treasure hunt app!”
broker.ui.present(“appmenu”, welcomeDataSource, UserProfile(), CreateTreasure(), SearchTreasure())